Made in the U.S.A…
Most of you know that we are located in Seattle, WA, and we manufacture the driver’s suits and underwear, in house. We have been contacted by some offshore companies, that would like to do the work for us. We maintain a high standard for safety and fit and will not compromise for the sake of a few dollars. For both Lady Eagle and Design 500, giving you a quality product is important to us. Your suit may cost more, but we stand behind what we make. No matter who you are or what you drive, you are all important to us and we will continue to do our best to give you the highest quality products, to assure you are safe!
Welcome to Lady Eagle Safetywear!
Custom made garments for women in hazardous professions. Protection is not optional.
As women enter hazardous professions they deserve safety equipment that will meet their need in specific areas.
It is necessary to think of the consequences of wearing everyday ladies underwear in a serious fire. Nylon, plastic and metal all retain heat and/or melt, causing painful and unsightly burns.
Lady Eagle safety wear is designed specifically for women. Each garment is made to your specific measurements for a custom fit that feels comfortable.
We’ve eliminated the fly and excess fabric in order to give your garments more shape for proper fit. Careful attention is paid to detail making sure you will not only have a quality garment, but one that will offer you safety, style and support.